
To be a center of excellence in Technology and Innovation


To train and Nurture Human Capital for a Dynamic Economy


Technology for Human Advancement

Core Values

Team work | Integrity | Professionalism | Commitment | Creativity


Welcome to ZTTI

Ziwa Technical Training Institute (ZTTI) was established in 2011 by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology under the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) mentored by The Eldoret National Polytechnic as Ziwa Campus. It started its own operations in January 2015 as Ziwa Technical Training Institute. Since then the student enrollment has grown to over 1900 as of December 2023.

The institution’s vision is: To be a center of Excellence in Technology and Innovation. The mission is: To train and Nurture Human Capital for a Dynamic Economy.

Over 2000 students

100+ Courses

7 Departments

15+ Laboratories

TVETA Accredited

Public Institution

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Academic Departments

Information Tech & Computing
Elecrical and Electronics
Business studies
Agricultural studies
Hospitality & Inst. Management
Automotive & Mechanical
Civil & Building